Teddy是美国著名萨摩耶种公CH. Mystiwind’s Going Public直子, 他继承了父亲的甜美脸版和优秀的身驱结构,以其龙腾马跃般的优美动态而享誉!

Teddy自幼从美国引进至韩国,在韩国的大赛中曾获最高赏励RBIS! 回国初期参加第二届BPC国际名犬邀请赛,由James先生审得萨摩耶单独展AOM和Junior BOB! 之后Teddy一直赋闲在家,直至2010年春再度重现中国赛场!
=============== * * * =============== 2007年11月北京第二届BPC国际名犬邀请赛JUNIOR BOB 2007年11月北京第二届BPC萨摩耶单独展 AOM 2010年3月金华CKC全犬种积分赛OPEN BIG3 2010年3月金华CKC全犬种积分赛OPEN BIG4 2010年3月宁波CNKC全犬种积分赛获OPEN BIG3 2010年4月金华NGKC全犬种积分赛OPEN RBIG =============== * * * ===============
Teddy is sired by AM CH. Mystiwind’s Going Public, his sweet face, excellent body structure and movement is just as his father.
Teddy was introduced from the United States to Korea when he was a puppy. He had won RBIS in the Korean dogshow. After he came to China, he stayed at home as a big pet until 2010. Teddy is very fond of his pet life:)
